October 28, 2010

literary forebears: nabokov

unemployment pros: more free time
unemployment cons: less free cash flow

this creates the ultimate dilemma: more time to create but less money to do so. the lack of fancy software or other supplies doesn't mean you can't at least make the effort. even MS paint goes a long way. (ask my friend guy- he's a pro)

for the above, i just grabbed a photo, found a fitting literary quote and a decent font on MS paint (it is difficult, i won't lie) then laid it over the image. consider a longer quote to fill the entire image or simply one word that strikes your fancy.

March 25, 2010

words of wisdom: ernest hemingway

(an excerpt from an interview with the paris review, spring of 1958)

Q: Who would you say are your literary forebears—those you have learned the most from?

A: Mark Twain, Flaubert, Stendhal, Bach, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Andrew Marvell, John Donne, Maupassant, the good Kipling, Thoreau, Captain Marryat, Shakespeare, Mozart, Quevedo, Dante, Virgil, Tintoretto, Hieronymus Bosch, Brueghel, Patinir, Goya, Giotto, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, San Juan de la Cruz, Góngora—it would take a day to remember everyone. Then it would sound as though I were claiming an erudition I did not possess instead of trying to remember all the people who have been an influence on my life and work. This isn’t an old dull question. It is a very good but a solemn question and requires an examination of conscience. I put in painters, or started to, because I learn as much from painters about how to write as from writers. You ask how this is done? It would take another day of explaining. I should think what one learns from composers and from the study of harmony and counterpoint would be obvious.

March 18, 2010

my dream bike

i was a really odd child. instead of playing outside with friends on hot summer days, i'd go to the library with my dad and sister and bring home a pile of books almost as tall as i was. but i was no baby genius, oh no, i wasn't reading tolstoy! the majority of my books were of the mystical persuasion; tarot cards, mind reading, astrology, and the most relevant to the story below, the interpretation of dreams.

much of what i gathered from these dream interpretation frameworks was, well, that much of it was bullshit. but some of the more serious books (the boring ones!) did point out the link between waking life and dreams. see, the story goes like this:

my friend guy had his bike sitting in my place for the past month; he was waiting patiently for the most opportune moment to come pick it up. the weather was delightful yesterday so why wait any longer? he mentioned to me that he had hoped he could get it tuned up in the near future. of course this sparked some kind of subconscious processes and i ended up having the most fantastic dream about the most fantastic bike, pictured here:

so check it, there i am at the bus terminal in kitchener waiting for the next 7 to roll around. i take a look around me and there he is! this guy! this guy with a great little handlebar moustache, surrounded by a glorious array of interior decor items and knick-knacks, and standing behind the sparkling bike. it was such a lovely scene, i had to approach him, and you know what i say? i kid you not, i said, word for word, "oh my god, how are you so awesome that you have that bike?" (damn my fan-girl ways! so embarrassing). he just looks at me for a bit, not saying anything and when he finally does, GET THIS! HE'S GERMAN! he can't understand a single thing i said! but dreams are magical, you know, and so this super nice girl comes out of the wood works and says she'll translate! cool! she tells him i think his bike is fantastic as i look around at his other belongings: a large wooden display frame filled with vintage beer bottles (inspiration for future apartment), a rustic industrial lamp, and a beaten up trunk.

after a brief, translated conversation, he went on his merry way and my dream progressed to stranger, more embarrassing territory. i do not wish to divulge anything more than it involved the jonas brothers and chat roulette. make of that what you will.

(postscript: the bike is from aurumania.com, its production was limited to 50, and the frame and forks are plated with 24-carat gold. oh yeah, and it costs 21,000 euros.)

March 17, 2010

stretsis daisy sunglasses

need. want. for those who love me, stretsis is sold at jac flash on queen west *wink wink*.

March 11, 2010

hm sustainable garden

everyone seems to be going goo-goo ga-ga over the new sonia rykiel collection for h&m but their excitement is causing them to overlook something just as fantastic in the horizon. at the end of march, expect to see a colourful, flowing, ethereal collection that serves as a gentle reminder that spring has indeed sprung. the garden collection, aptly named, strikes up images of prim english gardens with rosy textured numbers such as this:
as well as laid back country side pieces perfect for a leisurely stroll on your bike:
splashes of colour, like water paints, are perfectly incorporated into the collection and manage to create a style resistant to the pastels which litter the spring forecasts:Inspired not only by gardens, but also the aesthetic of the seventies flower child, the collection is a romantic as well as a...wait for it... SUSTAINABLE one. Despite their polished looks, each item in the collection is made with organic cottons and linens, recycled polyester (made from PET bottles!) and tencel (per h&m press release, 'a renewable material produced with minimal environmental impact').

check out the rest of the sunny collection at the collection's website: http://www.hmthegardencollection.com/

February 11, 2010

obsessed: joanna newsom

joanna newsom is the kind of girl i hate - talented, whimsical, and so naturally beautiful with her long flowing hair and skinny legs i can't help but be jealous. but as if all that wasn't enough, shes so fucking likable i want to scream because i'll never be that soft spoken or have that sweet, coquettish little laugh that draws people to me and makes them wonder what's going on in that pretty little head. that is to say, i wish i were joanna newsom. the little pixie is coming out with a new album on february 23, which i am most excited to hear, but i'm revelling in the cover art for now. my dream apartment interior decor scheme - cluttered fairytale.

as if the cover art didn't get me going enough, album details have me sitting on the edge of my seat: Have One on Me is a triple album (triple album!!!), it runs about 2 hours, and a most delicate song, kingfisher, can be streamed currently at drag city. i'm sure after listening you will see what all the fuss is about.

miss joanna also performed some songs live in australia about a month ago, below is 'easy' but you can find others on cloudedsunny's youtube page. perhaps you may be the next to see her live. she's gracing toronto with her presence on march 13 and plays back to back dates in montreal on the 14th and 15th.

February 10, 2010

contest part 1: winners

i finally got around to choosing winners for the contest, and although my methods may have been unorthodox i can't help to be compelled to think that the winners were meant to be.

you see, i said i would use random.org to choose winners and hey, i went there! the only thing is, i don't have a subscription so i couldn't use the third-party draw service but the random number generator was in the sidebar so i decided i'd run it twice instead. each entrant was given a number equivalent to the sequence in which they entered. the first number thrown back was 1 which was cool, yea. and then the second one was 2 at which point i started to get annoyed. i know, i know random is random and any sequence is only coincidental, but gosh darn statistics get me everytime! i just had to cheat and run a function in excel because 1 and 2 simply didn't feel random enough (i know! quit hastling me over it!). you know what i got thrown back by excel?! 1 and 2! things were getting eerie now, was i doing it wrong?! i just had to use another program to get random numbers again and considering there were 6 entrants i thought, hey! virtual dice! duh! and the goshdarn thing rolled 1 and 2 again. i quit there, it must have been meant to be and so it is!

after all, congratulations to Lola and Reece! i will be in touch to deliver the cards.

stay tuned for part two of the contest coming friday/saturday (don't hold me to it)

February 4, 2010

contest part 1: the ampersand card

growing up, my parents were always making promises they could never follow through on. i always thought they made these promises with the intention of breaking them and i swore i'd never become one of those people. lo and behold, i've become just like my parents, as everyone eventually does, and i've started to make promises i find increasingly difficult to fulfill. i've come to realize that they did intend to keep their promises but unexpected obligations would arise and, poof! there goes the disney land savings fund. similarly, i did have every intention of posting the contest on this blog days ago but things came up! a broken backlight on my laptop for example, or a missing usb cord to transfer photos from my camera to my backup computer. and listen, i hate being that person to make excuses but damn it, i think i deserve to this time! i spent over $50 to make this blog entry today! (kinkos = assholes). in conclusion, please forgive the delay and enter the contest so i know it was all worth it!

now for the contest details



with valentines day approaching i thought it was only appropriate to make the prize valentines themed and i also wanted to put my printmaking skills (or lack there of) back to use. up for grabs are 2 valentines cards (approx. 15 cm x 15 cm) with this sexy little pin up on a background of ampersands.

relation between the two, you ask? well take a look inside! perfect for that special someone you just can't get enough of!

to enter, simply send me a message, or leave a comment below that says 'enter me' along with some valentines day musings. you must have a blogger account so i can message you if you have won and we can arrange delivery. for those in waterloo, we can exchange in person, and who knows - maybe i'll have some baked treats for you as well. to select the winners, i will enter all the entrants into 'random.com' and select 2 winners from there.

the last day to enter is monday february 8 but stay tuned for part two of the giveaway within the next couple of days - there will be 3 more cards available following the same theme but with a different design.

exes and ohs!

January 14, 2010

fancy hands/the woodlands

remember that month where i updated on a semi-regular basis? and then there was that time where it was new year's eve and i though 'hey! my resolution is to update my blog at least twice a week!' and then, as is to be expected, i didn't follow through. it happens. i'm sorry! really, i am!

wanna know what i'm gonna do to make it up to you? first, i'm going to give you a fancy little post right below!

and the bestest part....

i'm going to bedeck you with gifts! real, tangible gifts! real, tangible, handmade with love GIFTS!

in the coming week, i will post exact details of the giveaway prizes and how to enter the contest but in the meantime i want you to be prepared. all you need to do is make sure you're a follower of 'share your love' so get your blogger account set up, click the little follow button, and wait in anticipation for free shit! yesss!
and now, without further ado....


two summers ago, when i was a religious sartorialist follower, i came upon this snap of hipster crowd-favourite, cc sheffield. yes, her hair is the best (that fringe!) and her romper is the perfect mix of sexy and cute, but that's all secondary. HER HAND! look how she uses an intricate henna (mehndi) design on her hand to jazz up an otherwise plain and simple outfit!

ever since seeing that picture i've been determined to make my way down to gerrard street and get my own little 'tattoo' in the heart of toronto's india bazaar. as with all my other exploits, i've delayed the event (right now i'm waiting for the warm weather to return, you see)! to bide myself over until then, i've been scouring the net for other fancy hands ideas. look what i found!

it's a handchain by the woodland and it rules! forget that its paired with that bad ass ring or killer fur (har har), that chain manages to be so rocker yet so dainty, all on its own. the woodland also makes full body chains - please and thank you!

but now as i patiently wait for the summer when the henna artists set up their booths along gerrard street, i'll be loading my fingers with rings instead.