February 10, 2010

contest part 1: winners

i finally got around to choosing winners for the contest, and although my methods may have been unorthodox i can't help to be compelled to think that the winners were meant to be.

you see, i said i would use random.org to choose winners and hey, i went there! the only thing is, i don't have a subscription so i couldn't use the third-party draw service but the random number generator was in the sidebar so i decided i'd run it twice instead. each entrant was given a number equivalent to the sequence in which they entered. the first number thrown back was 1 which was cool, yea. and then the second one was 2 at which point i started to get annoyed. i know, i know random is random and any sequence is only coincidental, but gosh darn statistics get me everytime! i just had to cheat and run a function in excel because 1 and 2 simply didn't feel random enough (i know! quit hastling me over it!). you know what i got thrown back by excel?! 1 and 2! things were getting eerie now, was i doing it wrong?! i just had to use another program to get random numbers again and considering there were 6 entrants i thought, hey! virtual dice! duh! and the goshdarn thing rolled 1 and 2 again. i quit there, it must have been meant to be and so it is!

after all, congratulations to Lola and Reece! i will be in touch to deliver the cards.

stay tuned for part two of the contest coming friday/saturday (don't hold me to it)


  1. woohoo! thanks, universe & homa!

  2. i see now that people won the first contest and i am jealous. so i have signed up and am ready for contest #2
